A Holistic Approach to Mental Health & Well-being


Welcome to the Rhema Lounge official web site.


Counselling & Psychotherapy service…

This must be a very important moment in your life's journey, which has brought you here to seek some support. You are probably looking for someone to talk to, who will be able to listen, and understand you too? Maybe you need someone you can trust with your story? I am here to try and give you that help.

My aim is to create the safe space that you need to explore all your thoughts and feelings; without any fear of judgement. I would love to walk along-side you, as you begin to understand your pain (present and past), and discover new ways of navigating your world, and the different relationships or difficulties you may have in your life.

Now you are able to access this support from the convenience of your location, online or over the phone.

The support you need is right here at your fingertips! Contact me on: 020 4538 5810

What do we offer?

  • This service is aimed at providing a holistic approach to the individual, characterized by the treatment of the whole person whilst also considering other psycho-social factors that may be involved.

    Therapy is a huge commitment, and can be an open ended journey. Rhema Lounge provides Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy support on a long term basis, by building a trusting therapeutic relationship that is based on collaborative effort and mutual respect.

  • Therapy sessions are provided weekly and on long-term basis.

    Individuals must make a commitment to invest this time in themselves, to work towards an improvement in their quality of life.

    Sessions are provided online via zoom, giving individuals full access to the benefits of our service, from wherever you are located in the world.

  • We now offer counselling sessions in person, from our office based in Croydon.

    A condusive space for clients to talk about their thoughts and feelings in a safe environment.

    With easy access to local transport and free parking nearby.

  • Standard rate is currently set at £70 per session.

Limited slots for face-to-face sessions in Croydon are currently available.


Limited slots for face-to-face sessions in Croydon are currently available. 〰️

So, what next?

Ask yourself, when was the last time you invested in yourself?

It has to start from somewhere, and there is no time like the present. Maybe it is time for you to face all your fears, and get the support you need. It could also be time for you to make a new long-term commitment to yourself.

Get in touch with us today.